الكتب المتوفرة
لمعرفة عناوين الكتب المتوفرة في مكتبة القسم والبالغة 2268 كتاب يرجى الضغط هنا
لمعرفة عناوين الاطاريح والرسائل في مكتبة القسم يرجى الضغط هنا
No. |
Author | Title | Publisher |
1 | R.S. Khurmi | A text book of Hydraulics | S.chand and Company |
2 | G. S. Birdie | A caurse in Civil Drauchtsmanship | Dhanpat Raland Sons |
3 | \ | Acimanual Of Concrete Practies | Ameerican concrete institute |
4 | Gupta.R.C. | Aconrse in pert and cpm | dhanpatrai |
5 | S.P.Bindra | Acourse In Docks and Harbour | Dhanpat ral and Sons |
6 | Jan j. Tuma | Adnanced Structural Analysis | Mc.Graw hill book Co. |
7 | Tuma andMunshi | Advanced Structural analysis | Mc. Graw hill book Co. |
8 | Jan j .Tuma | Advanced Structural Analysis | |
9 | Ravindra K. Dhir | Advances In Concrete Slab Technology | Pergamon Press |
11 | J.C. palmes | Ahistory Of Architecture | Athlone press |
12 | D.J. Croomen and B.M. Roberts | Air Conditioning & ventilation of buildings | PerGamon Press |
13 | Allan Hodgbcinson | AJ HandBook Of Building Structure | The Architechural press |
14 | D.W.Hobbs | Alkali-Silicareaction in concrete | Thomas Telford |
15 | R.Narayanan | Aluminium Structures Advances Design And Construction | Elsevier applied science |
16 | Chirstopher A. Howard | An Introduction to buildingSeroices | Macmillan |
17 | Holmes , M. | Analysis & design of structrual connections : Reinforced concerte & steel | John wiley |
18 | Hiroshi Nakai | Analysis and Design Of Curved sted Bridges | Mc.Graw hill book Co. |
19 | Milos lav Bata | Analysis Of Dynamic Effects On Engineering Structure | Elsevier Science Publishers |
20 | \ | Analysis Of Structural | aci |
21 | Smolira | Analysis of tall building by the force-displacement method | Mc Graw-HILL |
22 | Thompson Elisabeth Kendall | Apartments Town Houses & Condominiums | Mc Grow Hill Book company |
23 | thompson e. | apartments town houses and condom iniums | mc,grawhill book company |
24 | R.N.Yong | Application Of Plasticity an Generalized Stress | American society Of civil |
25 | \ | appropriatebuilding materials | building and sons limited |
26 | V.Selvam | Approximate methods and lateral load analysis | dhanpatral and sons |
27 | Selvan Manicka | Approyimat method for lateral load analysis of multistorey builidign frames | Dhanpatral and sons |
28 | charles g. ramsey | architectura graphic standards | JOHN WILEY |
29 | edward j. muller | architectural drawing and light construction | last digit |
30 | Institution Of Civil Engineering | Areview Of Diaphragm Walls | Institution Of Civileng |
31 | Redstone Faia | Art in architecture | MC GRAW-HILLBOOKCOMPANY |
32 | R.J.Marks | Aspects Of Civil Engineering Contract | Pergamon |
33 | R.J. Marks | Aspects Of Civil Engineering Contract Procedure | Perg Pergam on press |
34 | W.H.WiHrnek | Aspects Of the Analysis Of Plate Structures | Oxford |
35 | Oliver E. Briscoe | Asphalt rhesology relation ship to mixture | A.S.T.M |
36 | \ | Aspholt Technology and construction practices Instrutors Guide | The Asphalt institute |
37 | U.S.Korsakov | assembly practicel in machine building | Mir |
38 | \ | Astm standards in Building Codes | Astm |
39 | ASTM | ASTM standerds in building codes | ASTM |
40 | boords a. | atext book of building construction | dhanpat |
41 | S.K.Sharma | Atext book of building construction | S.chand and company |
42 | S.K. sharma | Atext Book Of Building Constructions | S.chand & company(pvt) Ltd |
43 | Arora, S.P. | Atext Book Of Building Constructions | S.P.Bindra |
44 | R.S. Khurmi | Atext book Of Hydroulics | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
45 | N.K.Boiragi | Atext Book Of Plate Analysis | Khanna publishers |
46 | Brumbangh E. | Audels welders guide and hand book | Russ, J. |
47 | R.Narayanam | Axially Compressed Structures Stability and Strength | Applied science publishers |
48 | R.Narayanan | Beams and beam Columns Stability and Strength | Applied science publishers |
49 | J.R Hodes | Behaviour Of Thin walled structures | Elsevier applied science publishers |
50 | C.P Heins | Bending and Torsional design in structural members | Lexungton books |
Author | Title | Publisher | |
51 | Geoffrey Frohnsdorff | Blended Cements | Astm |
52 | Geoffery frohnsdorff | Blended Cements | American Society |
53 | Geoffrey Frohnsdorff | Blended Cements A.S.T.M | Amreican Society for testing |
54 | S.L.Crouch | Boundary Element | George Allen &Unwin |
55 | Wail N.Al Rifiar | Bridages | A.S.T.M |
56 | Ahmed M. Shaaban | Bridge Desgin illustr | Elrateb |
57 | Wail N. Al Rifaie | Bridges | \ |
58 | wial Al Raifaie | BriDges | |
59 | David Plowden | Bridges the Spans Of North America | W.W.North and Co. |
60 | Don.O.Brush | Buckling Of Basrs Plates and shells | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
61 | Burberig | Builders plant and equipment | Newnesbutter worths |
62 | fakhruiddndaghestani | building codes and specifications for the arab world | mocmillan |
63 | w.bmckoy | building construction | longman |
64 | w.b mckoy | building construction | longman |
65 | w.b mckoy | building construction | longman |
66 | Dr. gonarduiha S. K. sinha | Building Construction | Khanna publishas |
67 | Dr.Janardan JHA | Building Construction | Khanna Publishers |
68 | Cannan | Building construction techuology | Mcgran hillbook |
69 | Vencent Powell | Building Contract Dictionary | The Architectural Press |
70 | Peter E. Bathurst | Building Cost Control Techniques and economics | Heinemann |
71 | Frederick S merritt | Building designand construction hand book | Mcgrav hill book company |
72 | Ivorh Seeley | Building Economics | Mac Millan |
73 | Fredericks- Merrif | Building Engineering & systems Design | Van nostrand Reinhold Co. |
74 | Derk Miles | Building maintenance a management manual | Awheaton |
75 | Reginald Lee | Building mainterance management | Collins |
76 | Gerold davis | Building performance function | A.S.T.M. |
77 | Sleeper, F.A.I.A | Building Planning & desgin standard | Sohn wiley |
78 | S.V. Deodhar | Building science and Planning | Khanna publishers |
79 | S. Billington | Building Services engineering | pergaman |
80 | IvorSeelay | Building surveys reports and dilapidations | Macmillan |
81 | William Mcgunness | Building technology mechanical and electrical system | John wiley |
82 | John Norton | Building With Earth A hand book | \ |
83 | w. b. mokay | bulding construction | long man |
84 | w.b. mckoy | bulding construction | longman |
85 | Graham peirson | Business finance | Mc Graw Hill Book |
86 | Jeffrey Jarrett | Business fore casting mothods | Basil Black well |
87 | Niels J-Gimsing | Cable supported Bridges Concept and Design | Jhon wiley and sons |
88 | M.s. Shetty | Cancrete Technalagy | S. chandand companyltd |
89 | United Nations Centeer for Human Settlements | Case studies of Innovative housing finance Institutions | Elisabeth Dowde Swell |
90 | c.s. yadav | cityplaning | concapt puplishingcompany |
91 | h. lal | city and urban fringe | concept publishing company |
92 | peter g. rowe | civic realism | the mit press |
93 | V. Thanika Chalam | Civil Engineerin Drawing Manual | S.ch and Company |
94 | R.Agor | Civil Engineering | Khanna Publishers |
95 | V. Thanika Chalam | Civil engineering Drawing Manual | S.Ch and Company |
96 | Urqunart | Civil Engineering Hand Book | Mc.Graw hill book Co. |
97 | Neil Jackson | Civil Engineering Materials | Mac Millan |
98 | R.S. Khurrni | Civil Engineering Objective type | Eurasia publishers Homse |
99 | N.Granesh | Civil Engineering Objective type Questions | Khanncl Publishers |
100 | N.Granesh | Civil Engineering Objective Type Questions | Khanncl Publishers |
101 | S.P.Gupta | Civil Engineering Through Objective Type Questions | Cbs Publishers and distributors |
102 | R.Narayanan | Composite Steel Structures Advances Design And Construction | Elsevier applied science |
103 | George Earl Troxell | Composition & properties Of concrete | Mc Graw Hill Co. |
104 | George eanl Traxell | Composition and Properties of concrete | Mc Graw Hill |
105 | George eanl Traxell | Composition and Properties of Concrete | Mc Graw Hill |
106 | Siegfried Holzer | Computer Analysis Of Structures | Elsevier |
107 | Bryan Coulbeck | Computer Applications In Water Supply | John wily & sons |
108 | J. C. Higgins | Computer -Based Planning Systems | Edward Arnold |
109 | R.J.Cope | Computer Methods for Civil Engineerings | Mc. Graw hill book Co. |
110 | Stanley Port | Computer-Aided Design for Construction | Granada |
111 | Rober t.D Cook | Concepts and applications Of Finite Element Analysis | John willey & sons |
112 | AE Stock | Conceret Pavements | Elsevier Applied Science |
113 | V.Moskiun | Concrete and Reinforced | Mirpublish |
114 | R.J.Cope | Concrete Brige Engineering Performance and Advances | Elsevier Applied Scinece |
115 | Joseph J-waddell | Concrete Construction Hand Book | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
116 | Pac | Concrete Culverts and conduits | Portland Cement |
117 | R.Nara Yanan | Concrete Framed Structures | Elsevier |
118 | R.Naray anan | Concrete Framed Structures Stability and Strengh | elsevier applied science publishers |
119 | A.Randall | Concrete masonry hand book | Portland cement |
120 | Egor P.Popov | Concrete shell Buckling | American concrete institute |
121 | Shetty | Concrete Technology | S.chand&Company |
122 | M.S.Shetty | Concrete Technology | S.Chand and Co. |
123 | R.N.Swamy | Concrete Technology and design New Concrete Materials | Survey University Press |
124 | R.N.Swamy | Concrete Tecnology and Design / New concrete Materials | Surrey university |
125 | J.M.Iuston | Concrete Timber and Metals | Van nostrand |
126 | Reidar Bjorhovde | Connections in steel structu | Elsevier Applied saince |
127 | C.B . Wilby | conrete shell roofs | Applid science Publishers |
128 | Yong townsend | Consolidation Of Soils | Astm |
129 | Walter Podolny | Construction and Design of Cable stayed bridges | Jhon wiley and sons |
130 | Robert cushman | Construction business hand book | Mc graw hill book |
131 | J.patrick powers | Construction Dewatenig | John wiely ND SONS |
132 | Steven S. Ross | Construction Disasters | Mc Graw hill Co. |
133 | Steven S. Ross | Construction Disasters Design Failures | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
134 | Steven.S. Ross | Construction Disasters Design Failures Causes and Prevention | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
135 | Courtland A. | Construction funding where the money comed from | John wiley and sons |
136 | Jams . Clyde | Construction Inspection Afield Guide to Practics | John wiely and sons |
137 | Austin Barry | Construction Measurement | Sohn wiley and sons |
138 | S.W.Nunnally | Construction Methods And Management | Prentice hall inc |
139 | David M.Gred | Construction Of Drilled Pier Foundation | John wiley and sons |
140 | William B.Kays | Construction of Linings for Reseroirs, Tanks and Pollution Control Facilities | Awiley-Interscience Publication |
141 | R.L. peurifoy | Construction planning Equipment & methods | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
142 | RobertL. peurifoy& william B. ledbetter | Construction Planning Equipment and Methods | Mc. Graw hill book Co. |
143 | s.s. atean | construction technology | I.v.savin |
144 | R.L. fullerton | Construction Technology | Technical Press |
145 | R_L_fullerton | Construction technology | oxford university press |
146 | Alsop , Keith | Constructions Research International | The Construction Press |
147 | Contact Problems In The Theory Of Plasts And Shells | Mirpublishers | |
148 | C.S.YADAY | Contemporary City Ecology | Concept Publishing Co. |
149 | August E.Kamendant | Contemporary Concrete Structures | robert krieger publishing Co. |
150 | R.Hamp ton | Contemporary manag-ement | Mcqraw hill book internatianal compony |
151 | Peter Mitchel | Control Applications Of Micro computers | Edward Arnold |
152 | Julian R. Franks | Corporat Finance | Kent Publishing Co. |
153 | Victor - chaker | Corrosion Effect of stray currents and the Tecniquesfor evaluating corrosion ofPeb.ars in concrete | A.S.T.M |
154 | Alanp P. Crane | Corrosion Of reinfor Cement in Concrete Construction | Ellis Horwood Limited |
155 | A.S.T.M | Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete | Baltimore |
156 | K.A.Chandler | Corrosion Protection Of Steel Structures | Elsevier Applied Science |
157 | Joseph G.Londer-Back | Cost Accournting | Kent publication o. |
158 | Frederic. C Jelen | Cost and Optimization Engineering | Mc.Graw hill book Co. |
159 | Lindley R. Higgins | Cost Reduction from Ato z | Mc Graw hill book co. |
160 | Institution of civil engineering | Cost Reduction in off shore engineering | Thomas Telford |
161 | Z.Bazant | Creepand shrin Kage in concrete structures | Xerogra-Phic process |
162 | Melvin. W life son | Decision and Rick Analysis for construction management | Sohn Wiely and Sons |
163 | Gajanan Sabnis | Deflections Of Concrete Structures | A.C.I |
164 | G.S. Ramas wamy | Desgin & construction of concerte shell roofs | CBS publishers & Distributors |
165 | Scott, Robert | Desgin fundamentals | Mc Grow Hill Book Company |
166 | N.Krishna Rajn | Desgin Of Concrete Mixes | CBS Publishers |
167 | J.L. Clark | Desgin Of Concrete Structures the use of model analysis | Elsevier applied science publication |
168 | Arthur H. Nilson | Desgin Of Prestressed Concrete | Jhon wiley |
169 | John E.lothers | Design in Structural Steel | Prentice Hall |
170 | Jhon E.Lothers | Design In Structural Steel | |
171 | John E.Lothers | Design Instructural Steel | Prentic Hill |
172 | N.KrishnaRajn | Design Of Concrete Mixes | CBS |
173 | Gearge Winter | Design Of Concrete Structures | Mc Graw Hillbook Co. |
174 | Arthur H.Nilson | Design Of Concrete Structures | Mc.Graw hill book Co. |
175 | George Winter | Design Of Concrete Structures | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
176 | P.P.Sehgal | Design Of Irrigation Structures | Khanna Publishers |
177 | John A. blume | Design of Multistory Reinforced concerte Biuildings for Earth quake motions | Protland cement Association |
178 | Bljuger | Design Of Precost Concrete Structures | Ellis Horwood Limited |
179 | T.Y.Lin | Design Of Prestressed Conceret Structures | Jhon wiley and snos |
180 | H.Nilson | Design Of Prestressed Concrete | John wiely sons |
181 | Lin T.X. | Design Of Prestressed Concrete Structures | John Wiley and sons |
182 | T.X.Lin | Design Of Prestressed Concrete Structures | John wiley International |
183 | M.Nadim Hassown | Design Of Reinforced Concrete Structures | |
184 | V.Murashev | Design Of Reinforced Concrete Structures | Mir Publishers |
185 | S.Ramam rutham | Design OF Reinforced Concrete Structures | Dhanpat Raiand sons |
186 | A.J.Aisenbrey | Design Of Small Canal Structures | Awater resources Technical Publication |
187 | Edwin H.Gaylord | Design Of Steel Structures | Mc Graw Hill book Co. |
188 | Anand S. Arya | Design Of Steel Structures | |
189 | Edwin H. Gaylord | Design Of Steel Structures | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
190 | S.Ramamrutham | Design Of Steel Structures Reinforced Concrete | Dhanpat ral and sons |
191 | Design Of Structural Concrete | ||
192 | John E.Lothers | Design Of Structural Steel | Prentice hall Inc |
193 | George Winter | Design Of Structurales | Mc. Graw hill book Co. |
194 | R.D. Anchor | Design Of Structures Against fire | Elseuier Applied Science publishers |
195 | Donald E.Breyer | Design of wood struchures | MC.Graw-Hill boook Co. |
196 | T.Y.Lin | Design Prestressed Concrete Structures | John wiley and sons |
197 | T.Y.Lin | Design Prestressed Concrete Structures | John wiley and sons |
198 | Chas -E-Reynolds | Designers Hand Book | Concrete publication Limited |
199 | George Winter | Dessgin Of Concrete Structrues | Mc. Graw hill book Co. |
200 | S.P.Chandola | Deter minate structural | Khanna publishers |
201 | B.Thomsen | Developing Marketing | Mc.Graw hill book Co. |
202 | R.N.Swamy | Developments In Fibre Reinforced | Rilem technical committee |
203 | Aloism Yslinec | Developments in Geotechnical Engineering | Elsevier Scientific publishing |
204 | P.Novak | Developments in Hydraulic engineering -5 | Elsevier Applied Science |
205 | N.L.R. Nucci | Developments in river Basim Management | Pergamon Press |
206 | J-Rhools | Developments In Thin-Walled Structures | Applied science publishers |
207 | J.Rhodes | Developments inThin Walled Structures | Elsevier applied science |
208 | S.P.Bindra | Docks and Harb our Engineering | Dhanpat ral and Sons |
209 | r .fraser reeki | draughs manship 2.1969 | edward arnold |
210 | fraser reekie | draughts manship | edward arnold |
211 | sereda litoan | durablity of building materials and componts | american socity for testing |
212 | G.P.Tilly | Dynamic Behauiour Of Concrete Structurals | Elsevier |
213 | Jan j.Tuma | Dynamic Structural analysis | Mc.Graw hill book Co. |
214 | David Kay | Earth quake design practice for buildings | thomas telford |
215 | C.H.Norris | Elementany Structural Analysis | |
216 | Charles Head Norris | Elementany Structural Analysis | Mc Graw hillbook Co. |
217 | Santosh Kumr Garg | Elementary Irrigation engineering | Khanna Publisers |
218 | Mc Graw hill book Co. | Elementary Structural Analysis | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
219 | Hsieh yuan yu | Elementary Theory Of Structures | Prentic hall |
220 | Yuan-yu.Hsieh | Elementary Theory Of structures | Prentice hall |
221 | R.L.Jindal | Elementary Theory Of Structures | S.Chard and Co. Ltd |
222 | hsieh yuan | ُElementary Theory Structures | |
223 | V.K. Manicka | Elementory Matrix Analysis Of Structures | Khanna publishers |
224 | Yuan-yu-Hsien | Elementory Theory Of structures | Prentice hall |
225 | S.Ramamrutham | Elements Of Reinforced Concrete | Dhanpat ral and sons |
226 | N.C.Sinha | Elements Of Structural Mechanics | S.ChandandCo. |
227 | N.C.Sinha | Elements Of Structural Mechanics | S.Chand and Co. |
228 | william dudey hunt | encyclopedia of american archicture | mc graw hill book company |
229 | Henry J Cowan | Energy Conservation in the design of Multi storey Buildings | Pergaman Press |
230 | Tau.Chert | Energy Principles in Structural Mechanics | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
231 | W.bolton | engineeering materials technology | butter worth |
232 | c. l. verman | engineering drawing | khanna |
233 | leland.T. Blank | Engineering Economic | Mc Graw Hill book |
234 | Jose A. Sepulveda | Engineering Economics | Mc Graw Hill |
235 | Tung Au | Engineering economics for capital investment analysis | Allyn and Bacon |
236 | Thomas .P.Au | Engineering Economics For Capital Investment Analysis | Allyn and baconinc |
237 | J. Nemec | Engineering Hydrology | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
238 | Institution of civil engineering | EnviromentalGuidelines for Settlements Planning and Management | Thomas Tel ford |
239 | Peter Burberry | Environment and services | Bt Bats Ford |
240 | Peter Burberry | Environment and services | Batsford |
242 | P.C.Jain | Essentals Of Hydroulics | Dhanpat rai and sons |
243 | J.M.K. Dake | Essentials Of Engineering Hydraulics | The Macmillan Press |
244 | G.chrystal Smith | Estimating for Building & Civil Engineering Works | White frias Press Ltd |
245 | G.Chrystal-Smith | Estimating for Building & Civil Engineering works | Butter worths |
246 | Byrone E.Ruth | Evaluation andPrevention Of Water Damage to Asphalt Pavement Materials | A.S.T.M |
247 | Donold Snethen | Expansne Soil | American Society Of civileng |
248 | John w. Fisher | Fatigue and Fracture in steel Bridges | John wiley and sons |
249 | Adam Neville | Fibre reinforced cement and concrete | |
250 | Adam Neville | Fibre reinforced Cement and Concrete | |
251 | Melvin S Abrams | Fire Safety Of Concrete Structures | American concrete structures |
252 | T.Z. Harmathy | Fire Safety Science andEngineering | Astm Publication |
253 | M.K.Huro | Form Work For Concrete | American concrete Institute |
254 | Raymond.J | Formulas For Stress and Strain | Mc.Graw hill |
255 | Joseph . Bowles | Foundation Analysis and design | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
256 | Joseph E. Bowles | Foundation Analysis and Design | Mc Graw hill Koga Kusha |
257 | Donald Snethen | Foundation Engineering | John wiley and sons |
258 | G.A.Leonards | Foundation Engineering | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
259 | Chen.F.H | Foundation On Expansive soil | Elsevier Scientific publication |
260 | K.W. Cole | Foundations | Thomas Telford |
261 | Swamy R.N | Frc 86 Developments In Fiber Reinforced Cement & Concrete Rilem Symposinm | Rilam Technical Committee |
262 | T.Ahuja | Fundamentals of building construction | kapoor |
263 | V.K.manicka Selvam | Fundamentals Of Limit Analysis Of Structures | Dhanpat R.a I and sons |
264 | M.Hilal | Fundamentals Of Prestressed Concrete | |
265 | N.C.Sinha | Fundamentals Of Renforced Concrete | S.chand & Co. |
266 | Henry D . Foth | Fundamentals of soil science | John willey |
267 | Ftzaerald jarry | Fundamentals of systems analysis | John wiley and sons |
268 | Chris H. Groneman | General wood working | Mc. Graw hillPublication industrial Education |
269 | Hamed.S.Saeedy | Geotechincal Engineering and Testing Manuals | |
270 | K.R.Demars | Geotechnical Properties Behavior and Performance Of Calcareous Soil | A.S.T.M |
271 | A.Roberts | Geotechnology | Pergamon |
272 | N.W.M.John | Gertextiles | Blackie |
273 | P.B.Ahewell | Ground Movement And Their ef | Distributed |
274 | Friedrich Karl Falcke | Hand Book Of Acid Proof Construction | VCH |
275 | peter.s.Hope | Hand book of building Security Planning and design | Mcgraw hill book company |
276 | Gujanan M.Sabnis | Hand Book Of Composite Construction Engineering | Van nostrand reinhold Co. |
277 | Portland Cement Association | Hand book of concrete culvert cipe hydraulics | \ |
278 | Mark Fintel | Hand Book Of Concrete Engineering | Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. |
279 | RuthI- Kurtz | Hand Book of Engineering Economic | Mc Graw Hill |
280 | Robert F.Legget | Hand Book Of Geology | Mc.Graw hill book Company |
281 | John Havers | Hand book of heavg construction | Mc Graw hill book |
282 | Armando Lencastre | Hand book of hydrulic engineering | John wiley and sons |
283 | Arpad Kezdi | Hand Book Of Soil Mechanics | Elsevier |
284 | Robert.T. Ratay | Hand book of Temporary structures in Construction | Mc Graw hill book company |
285 | Robert T. Ratay | Hand book of Temporary Structures in Construction | Mc. Graw hill book company |
286 | Klans R-Imhoff | Hand Book Of Urban Drainage and Wasteater Disposal | John willey & Sons |
287 | Iarry P.Jackson | Hazardous and industrial waste management and testing :Third symposiun | AS.T.M |
288 | Henry G. Russell | High - Strength Concrete | American Concrete Institute |
289 | Adam Ncuille | High Allumina Cement Concrete | The Construction Press |
290 | Henry G-Russell | High Strength Concrete | American Conceret Institute |
291 | N.V.Vazirani | High way and soil engineering | Khanna Pubishers |
292 | R.J. Salter | High way design and construction | Mac millan education |
293 | Oglesby , C.H | High way engineering | Wiley International |
294 | Clarkson.H. Oglesby | High way engineering | John wiely and sons |
295 | Clark sons H. Ogles | High Way Engineering | John Wiley |
296 | Henry G.Russell | High-Strength Concrete | American concrete institute |
297 | An architectural record book | hospital clinies, & health centers | Mc- Graw Hill |
298 | Keith Davis | Human Behavier at work | Mc.Graw hill series in management |
299 | E.J.Mccorm-ick | Human Gactors in rngineering and design | Mc graw hill book |
300 | M.M.Grishin | Hydraulic Tructure | Mir publishers |
301 | Johnson | Hydraulicbarriers in soil and rock | A.S.T.M. |
302 | Orsonw - Israelsen | Iirrigation Principles and Practices | Jhon willey |
303 | R.L.Jindal | Indeterminate Structures | Channd and Company |
304 | Jhon paterson | Information methods | John willey |
305 | Denis connor | Information System Specification and desgin road map | Prentice hall intermattanal |
306 | J.M.T.Thompson | Instabilites and Catastrophes In Science and Engineering | John wiley and sons |
307 | Jamis W.DALLY | Instrumentation for Engineering Measurment | JohnWilley & Sons |
308 | Venkata Ramanan | Integrated Steel Works and Transportation | Khanna Publishers |
309 | P.Faulkner | Integrity Of Offshore Structures | Elsevier Applied Scince |
310 | Philippe Coiffet | Interaction With the Enuironment | Kogan Page |
311 | C.K. Wang | Intermediate Structural analysis | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
312 | Harold C.Martin | Introduction to Matrix | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
313 | Harold C.Martin | Introduction To Matrix Methods Of Structural Analysis | Mc Graw hill book Co, |
314 | S.K.Mallick | Introduction To Matrix Structures | Khanna Publishers |
315 | Haroldc. Martin | Introduction To Matriy Methods | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
316 | D.Nagarajam | Introduction To Steel Structures | S.Chand and Co. |
317 | Vy.R.Spillers | Introduction To Structures | ellis Hor-wood limited |
318 | N.W.Murray | Introduction to the Theory Of thin walled Structures | Oxford |
319 | Stanley Vipord | Irrigation design and Practice | Batsford Limitied |
320 | P.Dassgde | Irrigation Engineering | Iaxmipublications |
321 | V.N Vazirani | Irrigation Engineering | Khanna Publishers |
322 | Santogh Knnar Garg | Irrigation Engineering & Hydraulics Structures | Kanna Publishers |
323 | M.S. Misar | Irrigation Engineering Principles & Practices | Prentice -Hall |
324 | Orson w. israelsen | Irrigation Principles and Practices | Jhon willey |
325 | Vanghn E. Hansen | Irrigation Principles and practices | Jhon willey nd sons |
326 | Orson w. Israelsen Ph.D | Irrigation Prisnciplesand practices | John willey |
327 | W.F.Chen | Joint Flexibility in Steel Frames | Elsevier |
328 | H.H.Rump / H.Krist | Laboratory Manual For the Exmination Of Water , Waste water & Soil | V C H |
329 | Yong Townsend | Labotatory Shear Strength Of Soil | American Society |
330 | A.S.T.M | Larerally Loaded deep Foundations analysis and performance | A.S.T.M |
331 | Kenneth A. Gutschick | Lime | Astm Publication |
332 | M.P.Nielson | Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity | |
333 | Chen.wai-fah | Limit Analysis and Soil Plasticity | Elsevier scentific publishers |
334 | M.P. Nielsen | Limit Any alysis and Concrete Plasticity | |
335 | Dr. K.T. Krishna Swam | Limit Design Of Reinford Concerte Structures | Khanna Publishers |
336 | D-Gan Gadharam | Limit State Design | Dhanpat Rai &Sons |
337 | David Nethercot | Limit States Design Of Structural Steel Work | Vannostrand Rein hold |
338 | T.H.G.Megison | Linear Analysis Of Thin-Walled Elastic Structures | Surrey University |
339 | Linvil G.Rich | Low-Maintenance, Mechanically Simple Waste Water Treatment Systems | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
340 | Harold Koontz | Management | Mc Graw Hill Book |
341 | Daniel C, Feldman | Managing Individua Land Group Behavior on Organizations | Mc Graw willey |
342 | K.h.Head | Mannal Of Soil Laboratory Testing | Pentech |
343 | V.N.Dev prog. | Manual for collaborative organizational Assessment in human settlements organizations | Institute of urban studies |
344 | Dr.Iug. Tihamer Koncz | Manual of precast concrete consstriction | Bauverlay GmBh WiesbAden&Berlin |
345 | J.D. Dewar | Manual of Ready mixed concrete | Blackie |
346 | American Institute of steel construction | Manual of steel Construction | American Instituteof steel Construction |
347 | A.F.S.C | Manual Of Steel Construction Allowable Stress Design | A.S.T.M |
348 | American Institute of steel construction | Manual of street construction Allowable stress design | American Institute of steel construction |
349 | C.E.Hamilton | Manual On Water | A.S.T.M |
350 | / | Manual steal caustruction Load and Resistance Factor Design | American instituted steel construction |
351 | Arthur B. Moore | Marketing Management in Construction | Butter- Worths |
352 | Herry Assael | Marreiting management strategy and action | Rent |
353 | R.C.Smith | Materials Of Construction | Mc Graw hillbook Co. |
354 | R.C.Smith | Materials Of Construction | Mc Graw hill Co. |
355 | Charles R- Macdonald | MBO Can Work How to manage by contract | Mc Graw Hill book Co. |
356 | Gillespie/Sayers | Measuring Toad Roughness and its effects on user cost and comfort | A.S.T.M |
357 | Erenest O.Doebelin | Measurment System Application & Design | MC.Graw Hill International Book Co. |
358 | William J - Mc Guinness | Mechanical & Electrical Equipment for Building | John willey |
359 | W.Jmcguinness | Mechanical & Electrical Equipment for Buildings. | John willey & sons |
360 | Riley Shuttle worth | Mechanical & Electriecal System for construction | Mc Graw Hill |
361 | P.L.Arunachalam | Mechanics Of Structures | Khanna Publishers |
362 | M. S. shetty | Methads For surveging and dcscribing thie Building stok | S. chand and companyltd |
363 | johin w. dickey | metroplitan transportation pianning | mc graw hill puplishing |
364 | R.C.Smith | mlaterials ofconstruction | mcgrow hill book company |
365 | RALph M. Barnes | Motion & Time stupy Design & Measurement of work | John wiley & sons |
366 | D.I.enczner | Movement in Buildings | Pergamon Press |
367 | Victor M. Ehlers | Municipal & Ruler-Sanitation | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
368 | victor M.Ehlers | Municipal and Rubal Sanitation | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
369 | Norman Crowe | Nature & the idea of man-made world | The Niltpress |
370 | S.L. Chawia | nature and Properties of buliding materials | khanny |
371 | Williams. Mcquinness | nlechanical and electrlcal equipmeut buildings | Goun willy |
372 | Robert Jones | Noise and vibration control in buildings | mc graw hill book |
373 | S-Desal | Numerical Methods inGeotechnical | Mc.Graw hill book co. |
374 | William Dudley Hunt | Office BuildingsAn architectural Record Book | Mc Grow Hill Book Company |
375 | Ven TE Chow | Open - Channel Hydroulics | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
376 | Joseph G. Monks | Operations Management theroy & proldems | Mc. Graw -Hill Co. |
377 | Bernard F.Kallas | Pavement Maintenance and rehabilitation | A.S.T.M |
378 | Alainliegeois | Performance and Computer - Ainded desgin | Kogan Poge |
379 | Piling and Ground Treatment | Thomas Telford limited | |
380 | keyes metcalf | planning acadamac and reserge library building | mc-graw hill book |
381 | keyes d. metcalf | planning academic and research library building | mc.graw hill book |
382 | Hans Agerschou | Planning and design Of Ports and Marine Terminals | Sohn wiley& Sons |
383 | Helmut Lanter juna | Planning Of Intake Structures | Friedr. Vieweg and sons |
384 | A.Shepelev | Plastering | Mir Publish |
385 | Sturat S.J. | Plastic MethodsFor Steel And Concrete Structures | Macmillan |
386 | M.R.Horne | Plastic Theory Of Structures | Pergamon Press |
387 | R.J. Crawford | Plastics engineering | Pergamon Press |
388 | R.Narayanan | Plated Structures Stability Strength | Applied science publishers |
389 | A.B. Bulatov | Plugging Materials and the Cementing of wells | Mir publishers Moscow |
390 | Harold E. Babbit | pLUMBING | Mc. Gron-hill book compang |
391 | Harold E. Babbitt | Plumbing | Mc Graw Hill Co. |
392 | G.C.BYE | Port land Cement | The institute of ceramies |
393 | G.C.Bye | PortLand Cement Composition Production &Properties | Behalf of the Institute of caramics |
394 | john ashurst | practical building conservation | gawer technica press |
395 | Practical Design Of MasonryStructures | Thomas telford | |
396 | Stuart G.McRae | Practical Pedology | Jhon willey |
397 | james . C. chureh | practical plumbing design guide | mcgraw hill book company |
398 | herry j.cowan | predictive method for the energy consrving design of building | pergman |
399 | Antonio E.Naaman | Prestres sed Concrete Analysis and Design | Mc.Graw Hill Book Co. |
400 | Ramamruth | Prestressed concrete | kapur |
401 | Vazirani | Prestressed Concrete | Khanna Publishurs |
402 | R.Hulse | Prestressed Concrete Design By Computer | Macmillan Education |
403 | S.K.Sharma | Principles & Practice Of Irrigation Engineering | S.chand and Co. |
404 | M.Y.Roytman | Principles of fire safety standards for building construction | American publishing |
405 | c.carter | principles of passive solar building desing | pergamon |
406 | T.H.Y.TebbuTT | Principles Of Water Quality Control | Pergramon Press |
407 | T.H.Y.Tebbutt | Principles Of Water Quality Control | Perc-amon Press |
408 | S.K.Sharma | Principles Practice and design of high way engineering | S.Chand and Co. |
409 | Lewis Keeble | Principls & practice of town & country planning | The Estates Gazette limited |
410 | T.H.Tebbutt | Princoples Of Water Quality Control | Pergmon Press |
411 | leonard Capper | Problems in Engineering Soils | E&F.n sponltd |
412 | Verma | Problems In Soil Mechanics | Khanna publishers |
413 | The University Of Bahrian | Proceedings Of The First Regional Conference In Civil Engineering | The university ofBahrian |
414 | Yong . Raymond | Proceedings Of The Work Shop On Limit Equilibrium Plasticity And Generallized Stress Stpain In Geotechnical Engineering | American society of civil engineering |
415 | N.G.R.Iyengar | Programming Methods In structural Design | Edward Arnold |
416 | S.A.BERGEN | Project Management | Basil Black-well |
417 | B.B.Goel | Project Management Adevelopment perspective | Deep andDeep publications |
418 | A.C.I | Propertioning Concrete mixes | American concrete institute |
419 | J.C. Malhotra | Quantity Surveuing and Costing II | Khanna publishers |
420 | P.L,Bhasin | Quantity Surveying Estimating and costing | S.chand and Co. |
421 | V.N.Vaziriani | Railways bridges and Tunnels | Khanna publishers |
422 | J.M.Anderson | Rain screen cladding | Butter worths |
423 | C.Y.Yang | Random Vibration Of Structurals | John wiely and sons |
424 | T.Cairney | Reclaiming Contaminated Land | Blackie |
425 | American Concrete Institute | Refactory Concrete | A.C.I |
426 | Gajanan Sabnis | Rehabilitation Renovation and preservation of concrete and masonry structures | American concrete institute |
427 | R.Warner | Reinforced concrete | pitman |
428 | R.F.Warner | Reinforced Concrete | Pitman |
429 | Chu-Kia Wang | Reinforced concrete Design | Harper and Row |
430 | M.A.Helmy | Reinforced Concrete Design Data Book | Dar al-ratab |
431 | Reinforced Concrete Design Hand Book | American Concrete Institute | |
432 | Chorles .E Reynolds | Reinforced Concrete Design Hand Book | E and F.Nspon |
433 | R.Hulse | Reinforced concrete Design Of Computer | Macmillan |
434 | Phil M.Fercusen | Reinforced Concrete Fundament | Jhon Wiley and Sons |
435 | Phil M.Ferguson | Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals | John wiley sons Inc. |
436 | Phil M-FerGuson | Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals | John wiley and sons |
437 | W.S.Gray | Reinforced concrete reservoirs and tanks | Concrete publication limited |
438 | R.PARK | Reinforced Concrete Slabs | Jhon wiley and sons |
439 | Philip H. Perkins | Repair Protection and water Proofing Of Concrete Structures | Elsvier Applied Scinece Publishers |
440 | G.W. Annandale | Reservoir Sedimentatiom | Elsevier |
441 | robert brawn | residental fawndation design behaver and repar | rain hold |
442 | S.V.Shestoperor | Road and building materials | Nlir Publishers |
443 | Richard A. Critchell | Roofing Research & standards Development | Astm publication Code Number (PCN) |
444 | Keith Denton | Safety Manggement | Mc Graw Hill |
445 | Harry S.Harbold | Sanitary Engweering Problems & Calculation for the Professional Engineer | Ann Arbor Scince |
446 | Noel J.Everard | Schanms Out Line Of Theory & Problems Of reinforced Concrete Design | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
447 | James A. Cashin | Schaums out Line Series Theory & Problemsof Cost Accounting | Mc Graw Hill |
448 | Paul Marsh | Security inbuildings | Constructions press |
449 | vito .A | Sedimentation engineering | American society Of civil engineering |
450 | Seismic Design Of Concrete Structures | ||
451 | Er. V.k. Jain | Services in Building Complexes& high Rise Building | Khanna |
452 | K.HEK I | Shell Membranes and space Frames | Elesevier |
453 | R.Narayanan | Shell Structures | Elsevier |
454 | K.HEKI | Shells Memberanes and Space Frames | Elsevier |
455 | = = = = = = = = | Shelter for. Low in come communities ; Srilamka demonstration project | = = = = = |
456 | Beitrage zur | Sicher heit von Betonbauten | Deutscher |
457 | Murty K.S.Madugnla | Single Analysis and Design | Elsevier applied science |
458 | J.E. Johnston | Site control of materials | Butter Worths |
459 | E.H. hofkes | Small Community Water Supplies | John wiley and sons |
460 | Tien Hsing Wu | Soil Mechanics | Allyn &Bacon |
461 | R.F.Craig | Soil Mechanics | Van Nostrand reinhold |
462 | Santosh Garg | Soil Mechanics | Khanna publishers |
463 | Yyu.Tienhsive | Soil Mechanics | Allyn and Baconinc |
464 | Tien Hsing Wu | Soil Mechanics | Allyn and Bacom |
465 | G.N.Pands | Soil Mechanics Transient and Cyclic Loads | John wiley and sons |
466 | T.J.Marhall | Soil Physics | Combridge University Press |
467 | A.B.A. Brinr.T.c. | Soil Survey for Engineering | Clarendon Press |
468 | A.B.A. Brink | Soil Survey for engineering | Claredon Press Oxford |
469 | T.William Lambe | Soil Testing For Engineering | Wiley eastern |
470 | F.JAGER | Solar Engineering Application in houses | Commission of the European Communities |
471 | Jan Kreider | Solar heating and cooling engineering practical design and economic | mc graw hill book |
472 | Baker Floro | Solar heating of cooling systems design for Australian condition | pergamon press |
473 | m. s. sadha | solar passive building science and design | mc-graw hill |
474 | Jan j. Tuma | Space Structural Analysis | Mc. Graw hill book Co. |
475 | Constantin Avram | Space Structures | Elsevier |
476 | Lan.Tien.T | Space structures for sports buildings proceedings of the international colloauium on space structures for sports building | Scienc press |
477 | \ | Specification for structural joints using | \ |
478 | Ministry of Housing & Construction | Standard Speciation For roads and bridges | Deportment of design |
479 | Chu-Kia Wang | Statically indeterminate Structures | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
480 | N.Mukhin | Statics Of structures | Mirpublishers |
481 | R-Narayanan | Steel Concrete Composite Structural | Elsevier applied science |
482 | American Institute of steel construction | Steel Construction | American Institute |
483 | Charles S.Gray | Steel Design Manual | Crosby lock wood and son |
484 | R.Narayanan | Steel Framed Structures Stability and Strength | Elssevier applied science |
485 | Charles G.Salmon | Steel Structures | Harper and Row |
486 | V.N.Vazirani | Steel Structures | Khanna Publishers |
487 | M.N.Pavlovic | Steel Structures | Elsevier |
488 | R.Narayanan | Steel Structures | Elesevier |
489 | V.N.Vazirani | Steel Structures and Timber Structures | Khanna publishers |
490 | S.Ramamrutham | Steel Tables | Dhanpat ral and Sons |
491 | Arnold Hendy | Steuctural brickwork | Macmllan |
492 | Tony C.liu | Strength Evaluation Of Existing Concrete Bridges | American Concrete Institute |
493 | R.C.Gupta | Strength Of Materials And Structures | Khanna publishers |
494 | R.Agor | Strength Of Materials and Structures | Khanna Publishers |
495 | John Case | Strength Of Materials and structures | Edward Arnold |
496 | A.C.Ugural | Stresses In Plates And Shells | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
497 | Arne Hillerborg | Strip Method Of Design | Aview Point Publication |
498 | Janj.Tuma | Structural Analysis | Mc.Graw hill book Co. |
499 | Russell C. Hibbeler | Structural Analysis | Macmillan |
500 | Russell .C.Hibbeler | Structural Analysis | Macmillam |
501 | Ronald .L.Sack | Structural Analysis | Mc.Graw hill book Co. |
502 | G.S.Pandit | Structural Analysis a m.atrix approach | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
503 | E.H.Baker | Structural Analysis Of Shells | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
504 | A.N.Ku-Lar | Structural Analysis System | Pergamon Press |
505 | Arnold W.Hendry | Structural Brick work | machnillan press |
506 | Arnold W. Hendry | Structural Brick work | Mac millan Press |
507 | H.M.Finniston | Structural character istics of materials | Elsevier Publishing co. limited |
508 | John E.Clark | Structural Concrete Cost Estimating | Mc Graw hill Co. |
509 | Paul F.Rice | Structural Desgin Guide To The Acl Steel Structures | Van nostrand Co. |
510 | Roy .R. Craig Sr. | Structural Dynamics | John wiley and sons |
511 | W.Kanok-Nuk.ul-chai | Structural Engineering and Construction | Pergamon Press |
512 | W.Kanok-Nuki-chia | Structural Engineering and Construction | Pergamon press |
513 | Dar kov.A. | Structural Mechanics | Mir Publisher |
514 | Joseph E.Bowles | Structural Steel Design | Mc. Graw hill book Co. |
515 | Joseph E.Bowles | Structural Steel Design | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
516 | J.E.Bowles | Structural Steel Design | Mc Graw hill Company |
517 | Frederick S.Merrih | Structural Steel Designers Hand book | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
518 | K.L.Bhanot | Structural Steel Of Sections and General Design Tables | S.Chand and Co. |
519 | F.n.Almeida | Supplement to design hand book design of two-way slabs | S.P. |
520 | / | Supplement to Design Hand book volume \ Design of -way slabs | America Concerte Institute |
521 | C.E. Hamilton | Supplement to Manual On Water | A.S.T.M |
522 | = = = = = = == = | Supporting Community Housin _ Based part -2- | Thomas Tel ford |
523 | R.G. King | Surface treatment and finishing of aluminium | pergamon |
524 | Ronald E. Bartlett | Surface Water Sewerage | Applied Science |
525 | Raymond E. Davis | Surveying theory and Practice | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
526 | Davis E. | Survying Theorg and practics | Mc Graw hill book Co. |
527 | Frank-M-Fuller | Symposium on Deep Foundation | American Society |
528 | Andrew Parkin | System Management | Edward Arnold |
529 | G.C.Vanssteenkiste | System Sumulation in Water Resources | Publishing Co. |
530 | A.C.I | Temperature and concrete | Xerographic process |
531 | Tarun. R. Naik | Temperature effects on concrete | A.S.T.M |
532 | A.C.I | Temperature extremes | xerogra-phic process |
533 | G.S.Birdie | Text book of estimating and costing | Dhanpatral |
534 | Alan Williams | The Analysis Of Indeterminate Structures | Macmillan |
535 | Alan william | The Analysis Of Indeterminate Structures | Macmillan |
536 | Alan Williams | The Analysis Of Indeterminate Sturctures | Macmillan |
537 | g.vincent | the automated building | \ |
538 | E.H.Mansfield | The Bending And Stretching Of Plates | Cambridge uniersity press |
539 | R. Barry | The construction of bildings | collins |
540 | r. barry | the construction of building | crosby lockwood stables |
541 | r.barry | the construction of building | collins |
542 | r.barry | the construction of building | collins |
543 | r.barry | the construction of building | collins |
544 | r.barry | the construction of building | collins |
545 | r.barry | the construction of building | collins |
546 | r.brry | the construction of building | collins |
547 | Barry R. | The construction of building | crosby lock wood staples |
548 | r. barry | the costruction of building | collins |
549 | K.C.Rockey and H.R. E vans | The design of steel Bridge | Granada |
550 | N.J.Cook | The designers gaide to wind loading of building structures | Batter worths |